Who are the Reunion Committee members and how do we contact them?

Current members (Jan.2021):

Bob Apitz
Bridget (Butzer) Brandt
Mary (Weber) Cole
Cathy (Hart) Hendrickson
Herb Kroon
Cindy (Nothwehr) Salsbery
Dave Wittrock
Jo (Widbloom) Wittrock
Dianne (Haefner) Traxler

You can reach us by clicking the CONTACT US option to the left.

We welcome new volunteers and/or great ideas so please reach out to us if you would like to join the fun planning our 50th reunion!



Will there be a vegan option for the Saturday night banquet?


When you enter your RSVP, please make a note in the SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT or COMMENT box.  You may also use CONTACT US with your request.


What if I RSVP but then can't attend?

Your RSVP will help us plan but does not obligate you should something come up. Note there are separate RSVP's for each date (event) so you can chose one, two or all three dates. 


Why can't I buy tickets now?

We are still planning events and accepting donations so ticket prices haven't been determined and won't be sold until closer to reunion time.

UPDATE:  tickets are now available for the Saturday Banquet. Price is $45 per person.


Can I advertise my business on the MHS class of 71 web site?

Yes!  We welcome your advertising both to support our reunion and promote your business. Just go to the Sponsors Page in the left column and follow the prompts.  Your ad will be one-half page in size and you'll pay directly on the site so no check to mail.

Because we love sponsors, we're also going to include your ad in our Classmate's welcome packets and in our reunion video.  Now that's a great deal for $50!

Questions?  Please contact us and we'll be happy to help.


Will COVID vaccinations be required to attend the reunion?  Will we have to wear masks?

Of course we hope the pandemic and it's inconveniences will be behind us by October 2021 but we know this is a fluid situation and recommendations are changing over time so a definite yes or no decision cannot be made at this time.  We do hope everyone is staying healthy and taking precautions and we respect your decision to protect yourself and your family as you see fit. 

UPDATE:  there are currently no restrictions in Minnesota however individual businesses can require masks.  It's a good idea to have a mask on hand just in case...


Why isn't our reunion on the same date as MHS Homecoming?

Now, a little background about how this happened.  Our committee has been planning this event since January, 2020.  We learned in the spring of 2020 that Mankato West would not get its fall 2021 football schedule until May, 2021. Bizarre, but true…. We on the committee were worried that if we didn’t reserve a banquet facility early in 20201 that we wouldn’t get one.  So, a few months ago, we crossed our fingers (and toes) and set our dates. We guessed that Homecoming would take place in early October, and we picked the second weekend.
Close, but no cigar: We were off by one week. After we learned that we missed the date, our group of 8 had a spirited discussion about whether to change our date to align with the actual homecoming.  We decided that we would only create confusion by changing the date and that changing the date might be unfair for those who had already sent in their reservations.